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Top 10 alcohol-related tattoos

Everyone knows that alcohol and tattoos do not mix, however this crop of artwork shows booze can actually be the tattoo, rather than its ill-advised cause.


While many of us might enjoy a pint of our favourite beer or spirit, few would go so far as to get that brand permanently inked on their body.

It takes an individual with an unapologetic love of their favourite brew, whiskey or wine to go through with the following tats, and for that the marketing departments of said brand’s should be very pleased.

Scroll through for our pick of some of the best and worst alcohol-related ink…

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10. Stormy seas?


Less a storm in a teacup, but a storm (and whale) in a wine glass?

9. Pabst


No other beer brand appears to inspire as many permanent inkings as US beer brand Pabst Blue Ribbon, with the web scattered with pictures of its fans pledging their allegiance to the beer through body c0acea0331414bc18d704ef199d27e41pbr-tattoo

8. Bubbles


“No troubles, just bubbles” – a mantra we are the drinks business can get behind.

7. Moët & Chandon


The detail of this bottle of Moët at least has to be admired.

6. Blue Moon


He must love Blue Moon.

5. Jack Daniel’s


This guy will never see the back of Jack having tattooed his most notable creation to the back of his calf.

4. Fernet-Branca lizard


A little more subtle, some may recognise this green amphibian as the Fernet-Branca lizard, used in many vintage ads for the Italian bitter.

Bernandino Branca invented the Fernet-Branca bitter in Milan, Italy in 1845.

3. Campari bitter label












Eagle-eyed imbibers will recognise this tat as the iconic ‘bitter’ text featured on Campari’s iconic Campari bottle. 

2. The joy of wine


An all-encompassing wine tasting note, or a very unique dating profile.

1. Because, wine?


Go hard or go home appears to have been the motto of the owner of this full leg tattoo, which cleverly manages to mimic the motion of pouring a glass of wine.

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