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Six great beauty benefits of drinking vodka

Vodka often gets a bad rep as it’s likely given more people headaches than it’s cured, but there are some unknown beauty benefits that it possesses.

Shot-of-vodkaAlcohol has been pulled between being good and bad for you in the press recently, and by the government, but Vodka is widely known as a party drink that does the head and the waistline no favours.

Too much and it can leave you looking gaunt and hoping for the sweet, cold embrace of death, but if drank in moderation it can have some unexpected perks.

On the following pages we chart six of the biggest beauty benefits that vodka possesses.


dandruffIf you’re having problems with dandruff and a flaky scalp, rubbing a solution of water and vodka into your hair can go a long way to solving that problem. Vodka is highly acidic and has the capability to kill off the bacteria that causes dandruff, making it one of the better benefits to rubbing it on your heard as opposed to pouring it down your throat.

Bad breath

what-is-causing-my-bad-breathThough it’s not a beauty tip in the strictest sense, nobody wants to be walking around with bad breath. So much like you would to get rid of dandruff, creating a cocktail of vodka and water to spray on the tongue will kill the bacteria that causes halitosis. To be fair, this isn’t that far away from just saying: drink vodka!

Cracked feet

Home-Remedies-for-Cracked-Heels-and-dry-feetNot only are cracked feet unsightly and embarrassing, they’re also a health risk. However, vodka has you covered. Adding around a teaspoon of vodka to some warm water and soap and soaking the feet in the lather will help those boats smooth out in no time. It also gets rid of foot odour, so if that’s bothering you as well you should head over to the supermarket as soon as possible.

Clear skin

bright_glowing_skinVodka is great at clearing up pores, though don’t massage this straight in. Make you you put just another teaspoon into some water to create a mist that you can spray on to your face. Simple.


wrinkle_3Vodka makes for a top notch astringent and if mixed with some cold water and soaked up with a cotton ball it can help tighten the skin and close some of the larger pores. However, this is not a method to be used if you have exceptionally sensitive skin. Be careful out there!

Shiny hair

How-to-Get-Healthy-and-Shiny-Hair-1Add just a couple of drops of vodka to your shampoo and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a shiny new mane. Vodka has a low pH level, thus helping the hair’s pH level stay manageable. Due to its acidity it also helps to combat frizz, though make sure you don’t just dunk a bottle of it on your head, it needs to be diluted.

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